Your safety in the Studio

Studio Health and Safety


The studio and all common areas are deeply cleaned with medical-grade disinfectant. The studio is cleaned at the start of the day, in between each client and the end of the day. I have sanitising solutions available for you if you attend a group session.  I will you ask to wipe down the equipment after use so that it is clean for the next person.  You can also bring a towel to lie on.  Hand sanitiser is also available.


If you begin to feel unwell during class, kindly let me know and make your way home. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, we ask that you do not come to the studio for 10 days or until you’ve tested negative for COVID-19. Please refer to our updated Terms and Conditions.


The studio windows will be kept open to ventilate the space. 


You will not be required to wear masks unless it is made compulsory by the Government. If you feel more comfortable with a face covering and/or gloves, you are welcome to bring your own and wear them during class. I will be wearing a mask.


I monitor my own health, temperature and symptoms daily and minimise my travel as much as possible.


Arriving and leaving the Studio

  • Please ring the doorbell at your appointment time.  Please do not arrive early, so as to cross over with the previous client.  Sessions will now be 50 minutes to allow for cleaning.  Initial assessments will be 60 minutes.  After the session,  I kindly ask you to exit the studio within 5 minutes to avoid any crossover and allow time for the next client to arrive safely

    Please arrive promptly, ready to move in your clean workout gear and bring minimal belongings to the studio, allowing common areas to be kept safe and clear. 

  • Please wash your hands and dry them with paper towels provided before entering the studio.

  • Please bring your own towel and water bottle 

  • Please remove footwear and leave in the room next the studio.  Clean socks must be worn in the studio.  I recommend grip type socks for safety. 

  • To avoid damaging the equipment and for comfort, please avoid wearing jeans or any clothing with rivets or zips.

  • To avoid damage please put water bottles on a table, not on the equipment.

  • Hands-on cues will be given.  Verbal cues can be given if preferred.

  • I kindly ask you to avoid person-to-person contact in the studio.

I am committed to making your experience as enjoyable and safe as possible and I am available if you have any questions or concerns. Please contact me via email at

Last updated: 23/07/21