Change happens through movement and movement heals

Joseph Pilates




Pilates is a holistic approach to your physical and mental health and wellbeing. It combines low-impact, intelligent movement with a well-managed diet, good sleep, correct breathing, uniform muscle development and full-body alignment.

It’s the go-to method of rehabilitation recommended by doctors, physiotherapists and osteopaths for overall health prevention and rehabilitative purposes.

Pilates equipment can be either assistive or resistive, helping you to improve your strength and mobility at each stage of your rehabilitation from injury, surgery or managing a diagnosed condition, whether weight-bearing or not.

Overall, the combination of finding pain-free movement through Pilates knowledge, equipment and approach enables you to discover a sense of wellbeing.

Areas of expertise


Chronic Pain

I understand chronic pain from the point of view of a former sufferer, and someone who has made it my quest to move beyond it for both myself and my clients. I specialise in helping people like you gain confidence in movement through tackling and banishing chronic pain.

Working to re-educate your body and mind pathways, chronic pain doesn’t need to feel like a life sentence anymore. Rehabilitation Pilates can give you freedom, mobility and strength.

Movement & Biomechanics

Using my professional training in the international Polestar Pilates training curriculum, I utilise biomechanics, motor learning, communication skills and current research to enhance the work of Joseph Pilates.

My science-based approach, combined with ongoing biomechanics learning, ensures you always benefit from cutting-edge research and outstanding technique.

Anatomy & Physiology

I have a passion for understanding how our bodies work and as such, combine my professional training with additional research to get to the root of your physiological problem, never forgetting the mind-body connection in the process.

By working strategically and empathically with the individual, I can identify the physical and mental blocks to movement and eliminate them to give you power and belief back in your body.


For more details, please read my FAQS

“Adrienne really took the time to listen and understand my concerns with my back and helped me enormously to build strength and flexibility so I could return to triathlon training. Her well-equipped studio is in a lovely setting and her knowledge and passion for Pilates are inspirational.”

— Jane S